
I have been drawing and enjoying art for as long as I remember. I have many family members that paint. I love my father Rod’s art work, especially knowing the retired mechanic started late in life. I still have my first painting I did (outside of school art projects).
I have painted boomerangs and didgeridoos for many years. Canvas work and murals helped me to get extra (much needed) money throughout university.
I have sold paintings to every continent of the world except Africa (if you are in Africa reading this—order now 🙂

Pearson Publishing
A classic Dreaming story retold by Dianne Irving as a play.
It is so hot. Tiddalik the frog drinks all the water. The animals must have water. Wombat has a plan.
This story is a childhood favourite of Greggs, making it a pleasure to illustrate with the characters pulling faces.